Boston - Use a locked drawer or file holder to hold your personal documents – like bank and credit card account numbers, passport, Social Security number, etc. Better yet, leave your Social Security card at home and, certainly, don’t keep it in your wallet.
Yea these are all well and good if you buy your tighty-whitey’s in economy packs and demand your summer job pays you over the table, less you become the only 19 year old college student in history to be audited. But how about some real world college financial advice? I mean, a file system with a locked drawer? What is a file system? You mean like that folder on my desktop that says passwords? Save your receipts and maybe think twice about spending cash on Netflix and itunes? It’s called college file sharing networks, pirate that shit.
Here are some real world tips:
1) Buy the cheap beer,PBR, Natty, Keystone. It all gets you drunk.
2) Contraceptives are free in the student health office, they're just not ribbed.
3) Never buy books from your school bookstore (don’t know how the globe missed this one, or, I’m so confused).
4) Pre-game before the bars. This will save you 2-3 drinks minimum.
5) Stash re-heatable food from the res-café…you’re going to be hungry later and if your school is anything like mine was, your late night grill’s prices will be higher than anywhere else on campus. They know you’ll pay anything at that time. My personal fav was chicken nuggets, just put a bunch in a fountain cup and walk out like it ain’t no thang.
6) Mooch. There’s always some spoiled kid on your floor, befriend that kid. They’ve always got good snacks, gatorate instead of water bottles you’ve repeatedly filled up and are willing to chip in a little more for beer and party favors.
7) Don’t buy that girl drinks, she’s in college, she’ll figure out a way to get drinks, just make sure you’re around later on after she does.