Monday, June 27, 2011

Boston Sports Hall of Fame to Induct Boston Legends like Larry Bird, Mike Lowell, and Ty Law...What?

Reds Army - The Sports Museum is proud to announce this year's honorees for 'The Tradition'. Celebrating its 10th year, 'The Tradition' is the annual summer event that honors distinguished New England athletes and will be held on Tuesday, June 28 at the TD Garden.

Larry's gotta be a little pissed about this, right? I mean how is it that this thing has been going on for 10 years now and Larry is just now getting inducted? And along side Boston luminaries like Willie O'ree and Bobbi Gibb, not to mention the legendary Mike Lowell and Ty Law.  I mean is Ty Law even retired yet? We sure his bloated ass isn't going to be in training camp for some team this year?

And yea, while this is just the Boston Hall of Fame, it might  not be as important as Cooperstown or Springfield, but at the same time, it kind of is. I mean we've had an embarrassment of legendary players pass through town, we're not some podunk sports town like Cleveland or Houston or something.

All due respect to Ty Law and Mike Lowell, and whoever those other two guys are, I'm sure they were great too, but this is Larry Bird we're talking about.  He should be inducted along side no one short of Bobby Orr and Ted Williams (posthumously obviously). I mean have these guys been elected yet? I'm just puzzled how Larry wasn't a first balloter, is there voting, or is this just some guys empty studio apartment where he throws Hall of Fame parties every year.

Thoroughly confused. I'm going to have to spend the afternoon figuring out who's in this hall of fame and who's yet to be inducted. Mike Lowell was good and all, but he spend what, 4, 5 years here? A professional hitter and one of the nicest guys to take the field, but then again so were Bill Mueller and Troy O'leary, and I'll be damned if I find their names in this Boston Hall of Fame.

Whining Bitch of a Man Blames Seinfeld and the Marriage Ref for his Divorce

Fox News - A heartbroken Manhattan divorcĂ© blames Jerry Seinfeld and his NBC reality show, "The Marriage Ref," for tearing him and his now-ex-wife apart -- claiming their appearance as contestants on an episode led to her dumping him. Howie Kohlenberg, 47, charged that after getting their 15 minutes of fame bickering on the March 4, 2010, premiere episode, his wife, Christine, became so obsessed with becoming a star it busted up their 14-year marriage. Not only does the beauty-products salesman claim his sexy 37-year-old wife ditched him and their 4½-year-old son to chase a dream of starring in a "Real Housewives"-style reality show, he also says he went bankrupt and is now facing eviction. Kohlenberg insists their marital bliss turned into a blistering nightmare during preshow filming. "The people on the show were pumping us up, saying, 'You're going to wake up and be stars. You're going to be famous and make money.' The producer kept saying her lips looked great, and all of a sudden she was getting a lot of Botox," he recalled. "Now she's getting this huge head. She wants to do Playboy. We almost got kicked off the show because she was putting racy photos on Facebook. "I'm not saying our marriage was perfect, but it put it in a whole new direction. It was the nail in the coffin. "She had all these ideas that 'I have to live my life and be an actress.' "

Suck it up man. Jesus Christ, no wonder this broad left you. You're an insufferable, whining snit of a man. "Oh waaahhhh, my wife wants to be a star. Poor me, my wife is sexy enough to do playboy. Can you believe my bad luck, everyone keeps commenting on how hot of a wife I have on facebook."  Bro, shut up and enjoy it.

Encourage the girl, movie careers pay pretty decent money, reality shows too.  I've never heard someone bitch and moan more after being given the shot of a lifetime. Like you've basically came out and admitted that your marriage didn't have that many problems and you were only doing the show for publicity, then you go and bitch and moan after getting that publicity? What the hell guy?

Did you really think your wife was going to come back and work at some lame, small time spa after appearing on reality tv? She's doing exactly what she's supposed to after being on this show, meanwhile you're at home changing your tampon and crying to anyone who'll listen about how you're going through menopause and your wife left you.  Grow a sack and get out there man. You're semi-famous, you were on tv. That's the American dream.

Middle School Teacher Sends Students 100's of Texts, Parents Apparently Upset

ABC - A middle school teacher has been charged with cyberstalking one of her 13-year-old students, and the boy's mother claims that her son isn't the only one receiving inappropriate text messages from the female teacher. Megan Mantooth, 26, is a popular eighth grade math teacher in Burgaw Middle School, a tiny town of 4,000 people in southern North Carolina where her husband is a deputy sheriff. Mantooth has been charged with cybertalking, allegedly sending "hundreds" of text messages to her student, which included "a lot of sexual innuendos," according to the boy's mother, Elizabeth Graham. The "hundreds" of texts that Graham said Mantooth sent her child included one that Graham read to "I wish you were home by yourself right now because I don't have the kids," and "More how? As in see ME more or less clothes more, or both." Mantooth allegedly compared herself to the middle school female students telling the boy that she would "look better in a bikini," Graham said. She also allegedly made plans to meet the student at his beach house, texting him, "I cannot wait 8 more days to see you." "I asked [my son], 'Why is she texting you?' He said, 'It's OK she's not my teacher anymore.' And I said, 'No it's not OK." 

MEGAN MANTOOTH IS A SAINT! YOU HEAR ME, MEGAN MANTOOTH IS A SAINT! (Anchorman reference because I fell asleep to the movie last night).
Maybe I'm just a bit confused, but what exactly did Megan do wrong here? Did she send this kid any inappropriate pictures for a 14 year old? Nope. Was she still his teacher, capable of influencing his grades? Nope. Did she ever meet up with him for special tutoring? Nope. Did the kid seem to mind or feel uncomfortable? Nope.

So what exactly is she being charged with? Being friendly? Flirting and innuendo? Is that a crime these days? Is that the message we want to send to kids? Don't flirt or you'll go to jail? What better way to raise a generation of repressed creeps and uptight homicidal maniacs.  

And unless they're holding back the really juicy texts, I don't see the innuendo here, you ask me these parents have a bit of a twisted mind if they're reading anything into these:

"More how? As in see ME more or less clothes more, or both." - I believe they were talking about seeing each other at the beach in a week, all she's doing here is presenting the facts, when you see someone on the beach they tend to be wearing less clothes than say, in the classroom at school. Just a fact.

" Mantooth allegedly compared herself to the middle school female students telling the boy that she would "look better in a bikini" - Well, facts are facts.  Grown, mature women do tend to look better in bikini's than 8th grade children.  She's got a bit of a biological advantage here, wouldn't you say? Again, nothing but the facts here. 

So this is what it's come to in our school system? Punishing the teachers who really care about the kids? Would you rather she just stop caring about her students the second she leaves the classroom for the summer? There's a reason she's popular with the kids, she takes an interest in their lives and realizes education doesn't stop at the end of the day or the end of the year. Education is a life-long process, a virtue she is trying to instill into her students heads anyway she can.

Swedens Goal of Raising Sterile Eunuchs almost Complete: Preschoolers Being Raised without Gender Identities

Whatever happened to Raggedy Anne and Andy?
At the "Egalia" preschool, staff avoid using words like "him" or "her" and address the 33 kids as "friends" rather than girls and boys.  From the color and placement of toys to the choice of books, every detail has been carefully planned to make sure the children don't fall into gender stereotypes. "Society expects girls to be girlie, nice and pretty and boys to be manly, rough and outgoing," says Jenny Johnsson, a 31-year-old teacher. "Egalia gives them a fantastic opportunity to be whoever they want to be." The taxpayer-funded preschool which opened last year in the liberal Sodermalm district of Stockholm for kids aged 1 to 6 is among the most radical examples of Sweden's efforts to engineer equality between the sexes from childhood onward.  "A concrete example could be when they're playing 'house' and the role of the mom already is taken and they start to squabble," she says. "Then we suggest two moms or three moms and so on."
Egalia's methods are controversial; some say they amount to mind control. Rajalin says the staff have received threats from racists apparently upset about the preschool's use of black dolls. Egalia is unusual even for Sweden. Staff try to shed masculine and feminine references from their speech, including the pronouns him or her — "han" or "hon" in Swedish. Instead, they've have adopted the genderless "hen," a word that doesn't exist in Swedish but is used in some feminist and gay circles.

The Swedes do know that boys and girls are different though, right? Like boys have penises and girls have vaginas?  I mean even Arnold was able to get that point across in Kindergarten Cop and he was a bumbling idiot. 
What you're going to end up with is a bunch of confused kids unsure of how to procreate. Sweden's population will basically be all but gone within two generations, and frankly, that's fine by me, Darwinism at its best. 

The thing that kills me is these, overly liberal, nutbags who think they're raising kids in the most natural way possible, but in reality this is seen no where else in nature.  Gorillas aren't out there making sure their boys know know how to powder their nose and prepare a casserole, wolves aren't kicking mothers out of the den and trying to have the males breast feed the children, gender roles are natural, as natural as it gets.
And this isn't an anti-gay, anti-lesbian blog. Those are gender roles too, and they should be taught and accepted at a young age, there's plenty of gay giraffes, horses, and dolphins out there too.  But I'm pretty sure the giraffe, horse, and dolphin parents aren't making a point of encouraging their offspring to try out every lifestyle before picking which one they like best, that is just confusing an unnatural.  

Natural is, you are who you are, and that's it.  If a boy is more interested in lincoln logs and dominating the tag circuit at recess then so be it, who are you to change his mind. Same if a girl is more apt to playing house and feeding her girlfriends brownies from her easy bake oven in order to fatten them up and make herself more attractive to boys.  It's just the natural way of things.

Diabolical Parents Offering to Let Teens Have Sex at Home is a Brilliant Trap

The Week - Though parents fret over virtually every aspect of child-rearing, few topics inspire more anguish than sex. Some moms and dads insist on abstinence, but, according to ABC News, an increasing number of parents are letting their teenagers do it... at home. One mom, Patty Skudlarek, told Good Morning America that if her 18-year-old son is going to have sex, she wants him to get off in the safety of his own bedroom, "as opposed to a motel, a car or a park, or wherever they're doing it these days." Are these parents being too permissive?

Don't do it kids, it's a trap. These shrewd parents may have just come up with possibly the most diabolical cock-block the world has ever seen....Parental permission to have sex at home.

There's probably a lot of teenagers nodding along at home saying "yea I wish my parents were like this." No you don't, little Timmy, no you don't.  

Run this scenario down: You're hanging out with  your best gal at the Olde Towne Ice Cream Shoppe, had a couple malted milk shakes, played a bit of footsy, now you're both feeling frisky.  You tell her to come back to your house, your parents are "cool with it." She goes along, you get in the door, make a bit of small talk with your dad, turn to head up the stairs to your room and bump into your mom. After the usual chit chat she asks you what you're up to. You respond with the standard "just hanging out." But mom's not dumb, this is exactly what she planned for.  From here this can go any number of ways depending on the evil genius level your parents are at:

1. She throws out a knowing wink, and throws here hand up top for a high five while making a "whooop-whooop!" sound.  Your virginity is still dead in the water.

2. She throws out something really embarrassing, something only parents can cook up during their spare time- my best guess? She yells back to your father to see if he had the talk with you to give you pointers on "lasting longer" and "special techniques."    You might as well go home schooled the rest of high school.

3. An awkward conversation with your hunny about what positions she prefers and how many partners she's had.  If you're truly unlucky she'll share some of her experiences with your gf...12 to 6 buddy, 12 to 6.

And that's just three of the options I could think of off the top of my head. All sorts of other random comments could be made, she could offer to pray for your performance, ask you if you need your dad's magnums, comment on the nudy mags under your mattress, the possibilities are endless. The one common theme, no one, and I mean no one is getting laid in their parents house with parental permission.  That shit is just not cool.