Monday, August 8, 2011

Homeless Man Shaving Body at Salisbury Beach...Par for the Course

SALISBURY (FOX 25 / - A homeless man was arrested Monday after police say he was found naked on Salisbury Beach and shaving his body hair. Christopher Axford was taken into custody and charged with lewd, wanton and lascivious conduct, public drinking and disorderly conduct, according to the Eagle Tribune. The 45-year-old's last known address was 90 Bay State Road in Methuen. Lifeguards spotted Axford on the beach shaving his body hair while naked. When lifeguards told him to cover up and stop shaving, he refused. By the time police arrived at the scene, Axford was shaving his armpits while his shorts were pulled down to his shins, the Eagle Tribune reported.

Jackie Chiles: That's totally inappropriate. It's lewd, vesivius, salacious, outrageous! 

Two beach blogs in a row?! You're goddamn right. CW's getting ready to go on a two week vacation and he's working on getting in the proper mindset.

In fairness to Chris Axford, I think the guy deserves a break offense, but if you're going to Salisbury for the day, you're already accepting the fact that you may see a guy shaving himself bald...comes with the territory. You don't want to see that, you go down the street to's not that Hampton's all aristocrat-y or anything, it's just more populated, no one's going to feel comfortable giving their boys a trim there.  At least this guy had the decency to go to a relatively deserted stretch of beach, guy was just looking for some privacy. People don't go to Salisbury for the beach, they go for Joe's Playland, Tripoli's Pizza, and Ten's Strip club, the beach is a complete after thought.

I do want to know how this worked out with salt water and all though...I'd imagine that leaves you with a serious case of razor burn, and that's not a good look, even for the homeless.

You Know What Revere Beach Needs? A Live Web Cam

Boston - The Revere Beach cam is located above the order window at Kelly's Roast Beef, 410 Revere Beach Boulevard. Kelly's is providing the Internet service and the great location that makes this cam possible.

Seriously, I'll tell you right know what we're going to see, and this is coming from a guy that actually doesn't mind Revere beach, so I'm not being some elitist snob here...

-Teeny boppers congregating at Kellys
-The cool kids hanging out under the grandstands
-Fat, leather skinned I-talian guys tanning on the sidewalk (a Revere beach phenomenon like no other)
-Drunks ordering cheese fries at Kelly's at 1:30 (just glad they didn't have this cam 2 years ago when this was my Saturday night 4th meal).

And that's about it.

Verizon Workers, Jealous of NFL and NBA Attention, Go on Strike Yet Again

– Tens of thousands of unionized Verizon Communications Inc. workers from Massachusetts to Washington, D.C., went on strike early Sunday after they failed to agree on a new labor contract with the telecommunications company. The contract that expired midnight Saturday covers 45,000 workers, including 10,000 represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, who serve as telephone and repair technicians, customer service representatives, operators and more.

Verizon communication workers make the NFL and NBA unions look functional...I mean, am I crazy or did they not just strike, like 2 years ago?

Another serious question, if they strike and my cell phone doesn't leave service, doesn't that kill your negotiating position? I mean so far I haven't dropped any calls, my verizon DSL has worked flawlessly for about 48 straight hours (a minor miracle at this point), so why exactly are these people necessary? Just  take a pay check like the rest of us, you realize that most of the non-unionized American workers get annoyed as fuck whenever we see people picketing, right? I 100% don't support you...I find your strike annoying as shit, and your privileged complaints juvenile. I saw some snaggle tooth broad on tv last night yapping about how it's important because without another contract Verizon could just replace their jobs with anyone the next day (good news, I just found the video)...newsflash that could happen to anyone in an entry level job...if your job is that easily replaceable then maybe you should worry about bettering yourself as an employee rather than bitching and moaning for special privileges. Like, "oh, I may have to pay more for my healthcare..." Big frigen whoop, we all do now, what makes you special, just be glad you have a job and go do it.

Woman Who Complain About Long Lines at the Bathroom Have No one to Blame But Themselves

The Star - Last week we were in Venice, at St. Mark’s Square, visiting the famous Doge’s Palace. After appreciating the many elaborate rooms and masterpieces of art, it was time to experience one of its more practical attractions, the bathroom. It was an open unisex area, with common sinks for handwashing, and two stalls for men and two for women. While men breezed in and out of their half, at least 10 women stood waiting in line....For as long as there have been specific places designated as the right place to go, and that too as the right place for women to go, there has been a line of anxious women. Now, lineups outside women’s bathrooms in public places are common the world over, from Calgary’s Stampede grounds and Toronto’s Roy Thomson Hall to New Delhi’s Habitat Centre. This phenomenon is matched only by men hanging about outside the women’s bathroom, waiting for their female companions. “Women use the bathroom more than men. They spend more time in them, too. These must be little-understood truths; otherwise, there would be twice as many ladies’ bathrooms as men’s.”Several places have already recognized the need for potty parity. States such as New York, Virginia, Texas and California have passed a bathroom equity bill, demanding a 2 to 1 ratio of women’s toilets in public places. Hong Kong and Singapore also have such laws.

Umm, or you could quit whining, chatting, and doing whatever the hell else you guys are doing in there and get the hell out...You know why guys are quick in the bathroom? Because in general, public bathrooms are disgusting...we're not trying to make friends in their while jiggling our johnsons for a few extra shakes while getting your back story, not happening. We're certainly not killing time on the stall after some bro before us just dropped a heater while we were on-deck.

By the same right, I've seen fathers walk their kids into the the bathroom, kid takes a piss and they're gone...mother takes their kid into the bathroom and I'd swear there's a freaking maze behind that door. 

You want shorter lines? Start ostracizing girls that go to the bathroom in packs bigger than 2. Any more than that and you know at least 1 or 2 of them probably doesn't even have to go. Just occupying a stall or whatever goes on in there while the other friends go. It's insane...if a table of guys just got up and headed to the pisser together I'm pretty sure someone would, at a minimum, point out how ridiculous it looks, and at worst they'd essentially be forced to leave.  Call us sane, but we just figure the bathroom is a quick private detour, not the main attraction of the night.

Crazy Horse Lady Freaks Out after Handsome Carriage Horse Collapses in Central Park

Christ Lady! Imagine if something bad actually happened, can't imagine what this broad's reaction would be...Holy shit. That husband should have taken her advice and ran...away from her. There's a 1000% chance this horse fake pulled this stunt just to get away from this annoying shrew, I can't imagine anything worse than being stuck with this thing latched to your back for an hour, it'd be enough for me to fake feint as well.