SALISBURY (FOX 25 / - A homeless man was arrested Monday after police say he was found naked on Salisbury Beach and shaving his body hair. Christopher Axford was taken into custody and charged with lewd, wanton and lascivious conduct, public drinking and disorderly conduct, according to the Eagle Tribune. The 45-year-old's last known address was 90 Bay State Road in Methuen. Lifeguards spotted Axford on the beach shaving his body hair while naked. When lifeguards told him to cover up and stop shaving, he refused. By the time police arrived at the scene, Axford was shaving his armpits while his shorts were pulled down to his shins, the Eagle Tribune reported.
Jackie Chiles: That's totally inappropriate. It's lewd, vesivius, salacious, outrageous!
Two beach blogs in a row?! You're goddamn right. CW's getting ready to go on a two week vacation and he's working on getting in the proper mindset.
In fairness to Chris Axford, I think the guy deserves a break offense, but if you're going to Salisbury for the day, you're already accepting the fact that you may see a guy shaving himself bald...comes with the territory. You don't want to see that, you go down the street to's not that Hampton's all aristocrat-y or anything, it's just more populated, no one's going to feel comfortable giving their boys a trim there. At least this guy had the decency to go to a relatively deserted stretch of beach, guy was just looking for some privacy. People don't go to Salisbury for the beach, they go for Joe's Playland, Tripoli's Pizza, and Ten's Strip club, the beach is a complete after thought.