Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jet Powered School Bus - Presumably Coming to a Fung Wah Bus Near You

Were you as disappointed as I was to see it wasn't a real life Otto from the Simpsons whipping that baby? If anyone deserves a jet powered bus it's Otto, the bro has been rocking the same school bus for 22 years, that's 489 episodes! I'd say its time for a trade-in. And sure this beast may be horrible on gas mileage, but on the plus side it'll cut the commute through Springfield in half.

Plus, I got to imagine its just as safe as most buses on the road right now anyway, can't go a week without hearing about a bus rolling over, a bus falling off a bridge, 42 people being decapitated by a bus, yesterdays super crash involving a bus and a train, and of course anything involving the Fung Wah. I'm sure those crazy kamikaze bastards are already in talks with the owner of this bus with plans to terrorize commuters on the Mass Pike very soon.