Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Guess God is an Apple Fanboy?

(FOX 25 / - The Catholic Church has given its seal of approval approval of an iPhone application called Confession. The BBC reports the app was developed by a US technology company and takes information from the user, including age, gender and time elapsed since their last confession to create a personalized examination of conscience.  The launch comes shortly after Pope Benedict XVI gave urging to Christians to embrace digital communication and make their presence felt online. In his World Communications Address on 24 January, he said it was not a sin to use social networking sites - and particularly encouraged young Catholics to share important information with each other online.

Well Apple has officially won, you can't get a better endorsement than the official smartphone of God. Just can't be out done.  From this day forth Catholics will bless themselves , "The father, The son, The Holy iOS. The first and second readings of the Apostles (these are segments during Mass for the heathens amongst my readers) will now be referred to as the iReading 1.0 and iReading2.0. Instead of shaking hands during the peace offering, church goers will be required to send out a quick iChat message.

For those of you who think I'm too cynical, notice I didn't make one reference to Catholic priests just using the app to gather age/sex/location info on younger church goers...well until now anyway. 

Pussification of America Part 67: Mom in Legal Trouble for Rooting Her Child on in Fight

FEBRUARY 4--Despite videotaped evidence to the contrary, a Florida mother claims that she did not egg her daughter on during a public brawl with a fellow high school classmate, according to a new court motion...In her Circuit Court motion, Newcomb claims that a video of the fisticuffs only shows her saying “get up” to her child. She also argues that her “mere presence at the location of the consensual altercation, coupled with the statement ‘get up,’ does not constitute” the crime charged. Newcomb apparently has overlooked several video clips showing her yelling encouragements with the brio of Bundini Brown. The 39-year-old Newcomb loudly advised her daughter to “punch her in the fucking body” and “kick her ass” as the teen was getting throttled by her larger opponent. A 15-year-old spectator interviewed by police said that Newcomb yelled at her to “back the fuck up” when she apparently got too close to the teen fighters. The girl added that Newcomb was telling her daughter “where to hit” her adversary.

As clear cut of a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't as I've ever seen.  How many stories do you read these days lamenting parents lack of interest in their children's extra curricular activities?  And then this mom comes out to support her teen and she gets a court date out of it?

And for what? Shouting words of encouragement and advice? Please that's parenting 101.  She's not just going to sit back and watcher her daughter get her ass beat. "Punch her in the fucking body" is a classic boxing technique. Everyone knows body shots tire out your opponent.  Plus they're more humane than face shots, it's not like she's cheering for the other girl to be mutilated, just for her own daughter to come out victorious. 

And the 15-year-old's testimony can be thrown out as far as I'm concerned.  Is a judge really supposed to trust someone who tried to jump into a fight and  make it uneven? The mom was just making sure it was a fair fight. Refereeing if you will. 

Guy Gropes Chic While Fleeing Police for Assaulting His Mother

A Jersey City felon being sought for allegedly punching is mother and sister in their faces was being chased by police when he stopped to grope a 24-year-old woman and the cops had to pull him off the victim to arrest him, officials said. Sutton's 54-year-old mother told police they were sitting in their home when he grabbed the phone and broke it, reports said, adding that when she confronted him he punched her in the face and she fell to the ground. Sutton's sister saw their mother on the kitchen floor and asked him what happened but his only response was to punch her in the face too before running away, reports said...Police spotted Sutton sitting on a porch on Duncan Avenue but when they approached him he ran away yelling "Get the (blank) away from me," reports said. As police chased him, Sutton "continued to scream and ran toward pedestrians," reports said. Finally, he grabbed the girl by the neck and they fell to the ground where he was "performing sexual acts on top of the victim," groping her and trying to kiss her, reports said. When police pulled Sutton off of the woman he began punching the officers who took him into custody after a scuffle, reports said.

How hot was that 24 year old chic? Girl must have rivaled Helen of Troy.  I mean this guy just went from full on rage to sexual arousal in a split second.  One second he's lambing it from the cops, yelling in tongues after putting his mom and sister in their places. The next second he's Rico Suave laying down timeless moves right there on the side of the street. 

And for the record, the only thing this guy is guilty of is sexual assault.  As far as I'm concerned his mom and sister had it coming. Dude just broke his phone, I'm sure he was pissed enough about having to go out and buy a new $500 phone off contract, nevermind the fact that he still lives at home with his mom and sister, reminding him of just how miserable his life has turned out.  And the officers should have known you never pull a guy out mid grope, I thought everyone knew that, kinda like how you're not supposed to wake someone that's sleep walking.

Mexican's Protest Bull Fighting Due To It's Violence

FunnyDoom - About 750 activists  undressed in underwear in Mexico City in protest against bullfights. Protesters  demanding a ban to bullfighting in Mexico. They noted the authorities because the fighting bulls is legal in Mexico and because it used public money for special schools for training of matadors and museums dedicated to the sport. Bullfights however, are considered a popular sport in Mexico, and the number of fights in this country is second in the world, behind Spain.

Is it just me or do Mexicans have a really messed up value system?  People are being offed, beheaded, shanked, shot, hung and mutilated at alarming rates in Tijuana and other cities across Mexico. Are people staging mass protests to end the violence, nope. 

I even saw one article (in Time Magazine I think, but honestly I'm too tired to look right now) where a Mexican cab driver didn't understand why American tourists stopped coming, his logic was the drug lords only attack other Mexicans not American Tourists. OH! Good to know!

Maybe it's just the xenophobia (fancy, negative word for Patriotism) in me but if the people of my country were being slaughtered in public in humiliating ways at a genocidal pace I'd like to think I'd choose to protest that, over the killing of a few bulls that would have been killed for Taco night anyway.  But maybe that makes too much sense? 

Ah screw it, let them keep killing themselves off, America's beaches are too crowded these days, we can juts annex Mexico's coast line once the last of the natives have killed themselves.

This Kid Is Fierce!

Something tells me his village had a heckuva a party after his stoning.

Your Cubicle Just Got Smaller

That's right, don't adjust your monitor, don't move your phone a few inches to the left, don't reshuffle those papers in attempt to clear up more space. None of it matters, your cube is shrinking and there is nothing you can do about it.

I've been trying to prove that my cube has been getting smaller over the past few months, but every time I bring it up people either think I'm crazy or "yeah" me to death, well now I have the proof, check out these excerpts from a recent CNN article:
If you feel like your cubicle walls are closing in around you, you may be right...Companies across the country are shrinking those boxed-in work areas or scrapping the notion of the once-ubiquitous cubicles altogether. At tech-giant Intel, employees who used to work in a 72-square-foot space now work in a cozier 48-square-foot station, company officials say...

But not to worry, that corner office keeps growing. During this same time, space for executive management actually increased.
Well that's comforting, good to know the big boss has more space to go along with that hoard of cash that he's pilfering while the rest of us settle for ~2% annual raises. Pricks.  Doesn't even make sense, executives spend more time in hotels and air planes, all those bastards should get is a spare table and a chair, no office, no window.

Intel has created more conference and meeting rooms where employees can collaborate. Intel is also going wireless. About 30% of their employees in the renovated space don't have assigned cubicles, officials say. 
Have you ever had to hop over to another person's cube for the day, or had to assist them by working them through something on their computer. Didn't the mere thought of using their phone or typing on their keyboard gross you out? I'm about as far from a germaphobe as you can get but even I'm completely grossed out by other people's cubes.  Do you see the shit people eat in their cube? Not to mention sneezing, coughing, lounging with their shoes off under the desk. It's a frigen cesspool outside of your own cube. Imagine that every day. No thanks.

So how are employees adjusting to less work space?Many employees don't mind the smaller work spaces, Johnson says. She added that 30% to 50% of work space typically isn't used because of meetings or travel. "It's not about making it smaller," Johnson says. "It's about making it more flexible. People don't all want their own space."

Yea, I'm sure a terrible economy and a 10% unemployment rate had nothing to do with employees not complaining about shrinking personal space.  If they weren't afraid of being out on their ass waiting on line at the soup kitchen every day they'd give you their real opinion.  Who the hell in their right mind doesn't mind when their personal space is shrunk.  Yea, I want to be 10 feet closer to the guy listening to Howie Carr on the radio, or the drama queen on the phone with her boyfriend of the week, or god forbid, closer to the office farter.  

Wrong Way Truck Crash (Vid Inside)

I just hope they caught this guy.  No not the drunk driver, he's fucked. The guy filming this whole thing on his cell phone, while driving! As much talent as that takes (and he did a phenomenal job capturing the footage), law enforcement has a term for the reckless derelicts of the road such as yourself, Reckless Operaters.  If justice truly exists, this guy just got served with a huge ticket.

Umm, hey guy how about watching the road. I'm glad you're all concerned about the guys welfare on the other side of the highway (and he's fine by the way, the drunk is always fine in these accidents) but maybe watch out for the cars on your own side of the road.  I'm sure yelling OHHHH at the top of your lungs while looking backwards behind you isn't in the drivers ed manual either (but it is a completely awesome ending to the video).