Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Illegal Immigrant Tricked Out of Winning the Lottery to be Awarded Anyway

Fox News- An illegal immigrant allegedly swindled out of his $3 million lottery jackpot win will finally collect his prize, the Daily Mail reports. The man won the jackpot after purchasing a lottery scratch card at N&K Quick Pick in Spring Valley, N.Y., on Feb. 3. Three of the store's workers had allegedly tricked the man by telling him he'd be deported if he tried to collect his winnings. "When he presented the ticket, they scared the hell out of him," Rockland County District Attorney Thomas Zugibe told the Daily Mail. Atif Ali, 22, Riaz Khan, 45, and Mubeen Ashraf, 22, tried to convince the man that he should name them all as co-purchasers, according to prosecutors. The three then allegedly claimed the money and cut the man out of the deal, the website reports. Zugibe told the website that the man is entitled to cash in on the prize even though he is an undocumented immigrant.

Question, is he getting deported along with those winnings? Should be right, I mean he's still an illegal immigrant, a newly rich one, but an illegal one at that.  Like hey, here's $3 million dollars, now have fun finding a way to spend that in rural Mexico while fending off drug lords. 

And since when did lying for profit become such a looked down upon skill? Like these 3 entrepeneuring convenience store employees found a loophole and took advantage of it...is that so wrong? I mean people have been doing that for centuries in America, we used to name buildings, schools, and libraries after the likes of the Carnegies, Kennedys, and Rockefellers, you're trying to tell me these guys didn't cut a corner, or sneak through a loophole or two on their way to the top? Please.  If our economy is ever going to recover we need to get back to the cutthroat, every man for himself, profit chasing of yesteryear, and we can start by making sure these three convenience store clerks get all the money that is rightfully theirs.

Shocking News: The Magical Practice of Dry Cleaning Involves Extremely Dangerous Toxins and Chemicals

WASHINGTON - Like many other memorable science fair projects, it began with a startlingly simple idea: Find out what chemicals remain in dry-cleaned clothing. So the Arlington, Va., high school sophomore went online. She e-mailed three or four chemistry professors across the country, asking for help. Only Paul Roepe, then-chairman of Georgetown University’s chemistry department, seemed intrigued. He took on the research “for fun,’’ he said. But that prompted a chain reaction in the university lab: an e-mail exchange, an invitation to collaborate and, last month, a paper published online in a peer-reviewed environmental journal. The paper gives new details about the amount of a toxic chemical that lingers in clothing after it is dry-cleaned. The research team found that perchloroethylene, a solvent linked to cancer and neurological damage, stayed in the fabrics and that levels increased with repeat cleanings, particularly in wool. The study was published online in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Between 65 and 70 percent of the country’s estimated 25,000 dry cleaning facilities use the solvent, known as PCE or perc, industry representatives said. Government regulations and voluntary industry guidelines exist for atmospheric concentrations in the workplace, and there has been a long-running fight between environmentalists and the federal government over how quickly the chemical should be phased out for dry cleaners.

First of all, this kid better have gotten an A, I mean most students just mail it in for their science projects, like the time my friend Penny Packer pretended to test the hypothesis of whether  a basketball would bounce higher inflated or deflated (yes I'll mention that every change I get).

Second of all, I know this is the first time anyone has ever studied this, but I mean, what did you think they were doing back there with your clothes? There were basically two options, either A) They weren't doing anything, just spraying a little febreeze and telling you they cleaned the clothes, or B) Using harmful chemicals that magically clean your clothes without the use of water, but have side effects that may cause cancer.  

I mean, you had to know that, right?  These people aren't miracle workers, there aren't teams of underage Chinese kids out back beating the stink out of  your clothes with magical sticks, they're obviously using chemicals, and besides, everything causes cancer these days, the cup of coffee I just drank will probably cause cancer, might as well have clean looking and smelling clothes at least...

Labor Day Weekend in Dracut at The Boathouse

How does an aspiring media mogul, potential Tony Award winning off-broadway accredited writer, and all all around man of class spend his Sunday night of Labor Day weekend?  Why at the Boathouse in Dracut of course, only the worlds biggest shit-hole of a bar.

Actually, shit-hole doesn't quite do this place justice. There are dive bars, shit-holes, and potentially murderous shit holes beloved by the lowest dregs acceptable in our society...That's the Boathouse crowd, no joke. Even now, reading that back, I'm not sure it's worded strongly enough, but it'll have to do, because how else do you describe a place inhabited by likely murder suspects, black mold, and asbestos?

The staff was literally changing out the air filters in the ceiling vents at 11:45 pm in a fairly packed bar, and our table seemed to be the only people thrown by this, like the regulars were like "oh, the air quality level must've just gotten to a dangerous level again" (which would explain the scratch in my throat and nasal issues I'm experiencing two days later).  

There were dudes dancing in cut-off shirts and logger boots, an un-ending stream of bros wearing socks with sandals, some guy wearing a knock-off Ed Hardy shirt just dominating the Karaoke machine (and by dominating I mean just screaming heavy metal songs as loud as he could while his legions of lackeys, 2 people, stood watching in admiration), and a dance pole so filthy that one of the regulars told us they don't usually touch it without gloves on.

To top off all the weirdness our DJ in charge of our entertainment for the night, a 270 pound man with a shaved head and goatee, bumped out an impressive array of top 40 hits, sprinkled with the occasional death metal song, the guy was actually a sweet heart with a fairly soothing voice, easily the only bright spot in the place.  

Needless to say the only way I'm ever returning to this gateway to hell is to burn it down, though I have to admit, their entertainment calendar is pretty compelling, I mean, Wednesday night is Buckhunter Challenge night, how do you say no to that?

French Authorities Struggling to Get Dangerous Post-It Note War Under Wraps

(NewsCore) - As far as management problems go it's become the stickiest labour issue of the French summer. The latest creation, a huge six storey representation of Asterix and Obelix, appeared on the windows offices of Societe Generale, the bank, in La Defense business district west of Paris last week. Fifty employees stuck 9,000 notes of eight different colors on the windows to create what is being touted as the greatest example of Post-It art ever, The (London) Times reported. The production was a response to a design on the windows of GdF-Suez, the energy giant, in the building opposite. This involved 3,500 notes to represent Tintin and the rocket he used in the comic book "Destination Moon." "The difficult thing was not so much to stick the Post-Its to the windows as to get everyone to agree on the project and then to design the matrix on a computer," said one of the Gdf-Suez artistes. He spoke to The (London) Times using his nickname, Fanfan, out of fear that managers would take disciplinary action against him if they discovered his true identity. "The atmosphere is quite hostile and our bosses would probably like us to stop, although at the same time they are reluctant to order us to take the works down."

Is France serious? This is some kind of practical joke, right? Like self depreciating humor, just making fun of themselves for always being pussies, pretending to be unable to stop the daring and dangerous members of this post-it note war?

Like this guy speaking to the London Times using a nickname out of fear...umm, who cares if you don't know his name. The guy just organized stories tall murals of Nintendo characters, using only post-it notes...I'm pretty sure someone had to see this going down, its not exactly something you can just sneak in on an abandoned floor during your lunch break...shit must have taken hours with countless helpers.  You just can't be that covert carrying around hundreds of thousands of post-it pads, there's just no other reason you'd need to be in possession of all those notes.

It's to the point where I'm wondering if I need to move over to France, I feel like I'd have the run of the mill, could probably be the head of their secret service within a week, plus I'd get away with all the hijinks and shenanigans I could think of and would never have to worry about the Frogs connecting it to me.