Monday, July 25, 2011

Two Kids Fighting Over Girl Wanting to Marry the Boy...This Won't End Well

Quick betting lines:

Police are called to their trailer for domestic disturbance/spousal abuse in O/U 14 years.

She "Pulls the Goalie" and gets knocked up to force marriage at age: O/U 16.5

Son Kills Mother and Girlfriend after years of torment from both at age: O/U 33

Treasury Sec Geithner Didn't Forsee the Debt Talks Taking This Long...Really?

Fox News - Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said Sunday that he did not initially think lawmakers would bring the debt-ceiling negotiations "this close to the edge," appearing taken aback by the lingering distance between the two sides with an Aug. 2 deadline looming. Geithner told "Fox News Sunday" that he remains confident lawmakers will lift the $14.3 trillion debt cap and avoid a national default. "We're running out of runway. We're almost at the edge. I never thought they would take it this close to the edge," Geithner said. Though House Speaker John Boehner broke off talks with the White House late Friday, Geithner appeared to hold out hope for a large-scale deal -- such a deal, as envisioned, would raise the debt ceiling, while cutting spending and reforming the tax code and entitlements. As a second option, Geithner pointed to a fallback plan in the Senate that would enact smaller cuts now and entrust a special committee to craft broader deficit reduction in the future. 

 First of all Treasury Sec. Geithner is apparently not familiar with modern day all. When was the last time a major decision was made prior to the deadline? Shit just doesn't work that way, both sides have to puff their chests out, ruffle the others feathers, and pander to their minority, but loud and extreme, fan bases.  It's a gigantic cock fight, and Geithner is either a complete idiot or playing dumb if he's saying he didn't forsee this.

Secondly, and this is to Washington...Just fix the frigen issue and lets move on.  Yea, easier said than done, easy to complain from a blog, what would I do if I was in their position, yada, yada, yada...Well you know what? Luckily I don't have to make that decision. It's not my job, not my pay grade...I didn't run for office and put myself into the position to have to figure this shit out. But these guys did, and now they're acting like a bunch of 5th graders, loud mouth bloviating, but deep down just a bunch of chicken shits afraid of not impressing their group of friends (their extreme fan bases in this analogy).  

Stop acting like children and hammer a deal out that works right now, but more importantly works a few years down the road so we don't have to go through this ordeal again. I'd like to wake up next week and know my dollars are still worth something, I'm borderline deciding whether to walk down to payroll to inquire if they can pay me in British Pounds starting next week.  And again, don't worry about fixing everything right now, shit is royally fucked up right now, throwing a bandaid on our 14 trillion dollar debt isn't going to do anything. Whatever you do make sure this plan works 4-5 years from now when it counts.

Now then, go out there and get to work.

NFL Players Union Saves the Season, Fails in Banning Brett Favre in New CBA

This is an actual shirt you can buy, here.

Look, I'm tremendously happy football is back.  I don't know what I would have done Sundays without it, I mean lying around in your underwear all day, browsing the internet and eating leftover pizza just seems pathetic without football.  

But at the same time, I can't help but think that the players certified this a bit premature.  I mean if you're going to have a lockout, potentially alienating fans and shaking the foundations of the game, at least make it worth it. When people look back on this years from now it's just going to be remembered as the work stoppage that resulted in a new way to split up the billions of dollars everyone makes, and the players bitched and moaned their way into a few less practices, that's it.  Meanwhile the biggest problem the league faces still lives on...Brett Favre.

Yep, Brett Favre, the old gunslinger is up to his same old game all over again.  You can practically hear Rachel Nichols packing her bags and smacking her lips preparing for her assignment to camp outside his ranch in Mississippi for the next few weeks.  ESPN already digging up some stock footage of ole' Brett slinging with the local high school team, Jenn Sterger nearly feinting from relief because she'll stay relevant for one more year.  

It sucks. And the players and owners have no one to blame but themselves. Given the chance to radically alter the CBA and write in one simple sentence..."Mandatory and permanent Retirement for Brett Favre," they blew it. For shame, For     Shame.

Woman Gets $1 Million Bail in Husband Castration Case...Judge OK's Cameras in the Courtroom.

Westminster, California (CNN) -- The arraignment of Catherine Kieu Becker, the Southern California woman accused of cutting off her husband's penis and throwing it into a garbage disposal, was continued Friday to September 23 at the request of her public defender. Orange County Superior Court Judge Debra Carrillo also set bail at $1 million for Becker, 48, who had been held without bail since her arrest this month. She is charged with torture and aggravated mayhem. The judge also rejected her attorney's request to bar cameras from the courtroom. Orange County Deputy Public Defender Frank Bittar unsuccessfully argued that the intense media coverage would jeopardize Becker's ability to get a fair trial.

Setting aside the fact that this woman was somehow granted bail, $1 million or not, I cannot wait for this trial to start. I might take a week or two off from work to watch this play out on TruTV.  This is exactly what this country needs in the wake of the Casey Anthony trial...a trial with juicy details and a woman we can all rally around and hate...if it weren't for her henious crime I'd call Catherine Kieu Becker a hero for bringing together a nation of tabloid court watchers and healing them when they've needed it most.

Speaking of Casey Anthony, you know she's hiding out praying that this trial starts tomorrow. Sooner all those that have nothing better to do but stay home and watch court proceedings, have a new sensational case to watch, sooner everyone forgets about her.  The mob is fickle that way.