Friday, May 6, 2011

Guys Attempt at Subway Patriotism Fails Miserably

Dude, when it's time for the slow clap, you'll just know...

What an asshat, huh? Trying to force his patriotism down everyone's throats.  Guy, there is a time and a place for that, and on the Way to work at 7 AM on a packed subway car aint the time.  Do those people look like they're ready for a pep rally to break out?  You see that one guy? He debated whether or not to kill you right then and there, I think everyone would have cheered for that.  Gotta know your audience bro, these weren't jubilant people, this was bound to fail from the start.

Plus, I cannot stand that kind of shit to begin with. Don't make me all uncomfortable about my patriotism, that shit is private.  There is nothing worse than jackasses who blatantly call attention to their views,  political, religious, or sporting, in the midst of strangers just trying to mind their own business.  You're fucking obnoxious.  You're not more enlightened than the rest of us, and contrary to your belief, we didn't all board this subway in the hopes of engaging in spirited debate or unbridled enthusiasm sponsored by some pretentious douche. Now sit down and shut up before that one man stabs you.