That pretty much sums up what my office will look like today, just a barren wasteland, with a few suckers renegade workers willing to forge on and take care of business.
But you know what? I secretly don't mind working Black Friday, and you shouldn't either. It's the single slowest day of the year in the office (The day after Christmas would be in contention if you didn't have to worry about the unusually high amount of work place shootings that seem to take place Dec 26th. You really have to wonder just how awful some peoples gifts are that they come in the next day and raise Armageddon).
Sure I'd rather be sleeping, or watching Alabama-Auburn, polishing off some left overs in my boxers on the couch, or watching news stories about all the bat-shit crazy people who lined up sometime before 5 am, all to save 20% store wide (its called, ever heard of it people?). But today is that special day, no bosses to speak of, most of the clients have the day off because we're the only company in our industry cruel enough to make people work today, and the majority of the co-workers I attempt to pretend don't exist most days won't be around to bother me either.
Should be a good day to catch up on work I've been putting off...yea right. Just a day of surfing the internet, e-mail chains with my friends (if any of them are actually at their jobs), long lunch breaks (yes plural, I mentioned there are no bosses today, right?), and office wandering to pass the time. Yes, that's not that much different than any other day for CW but it just feels better knowing that no one really has any expectations for me to do anything else today. I'm fairly certain I could show up in a robe with no pants and not be disciplined as long as I've manned my station.
So here's to the rest of you who are in work reading this today (toasting you with coffee in my 32 oz. Legends of Nascar Cup, and no, I don't watch Nascar), for recognizing that an extra day off in the sunny, warm summer, beats a day off in miserable cold November, battling mental patients and stampeding mothers for Silly Bandz and Tickle Me Elmos.