Friday, April 8, 2011

Armenian Grandma, The Spade-Hacker, Puts All Other Hackers to Shame

Fox News - Internet service in all of Armenia was cut off for several hours when a 75-year old Georgian woman inadvertently cut the main service line between the two countriesThe woman was scavenging for scrap metal when she discovered the primary fiber-optic cable which runs through the two countries. Service went down when she apparently hacked into it with a shovel severing the line, officials said"She found the cable while collecting scrap metal and cut it with a view to stealing it," Georgian interior ministry spokesman Zura Gvenetadze told AFPThe damage was apparently so severe that 90% of Armenian users lost access for nearly 12 hours while neighboring Georgia and some areas of Azerbajian were also affected.

It's a shame our generation will never have the same work ethic our grandparents' did. Take this woman, did she let a complete lack of understanding of coding, computers, gigabytes, terrabytes, mouses, and touch screens get in her way from becoming the biggest hacker the globe has ever known? Nope, she went out and did the job the old fashioned way and shut down 3 countries worth of internet service...and this terrifies me.

You always hear about how the government wouldn't be ready in the event of a cyber attack, and I assume everyone pictures some dirty chain smoking eastern european nerds huddled in some bombed out apartment hacking US government servers.  Turns out that's more outlandish of a vision than you even need.  It could be some Mexican day worker, pissed at his employer taking it out on their flower bed with a simpel shovel and poof, American internet gone, chaos everywhere.  Can we get someone to confirm that this can't happen here? Are our lines at least shovel proof?

And this guy can cut the shit:

"I cannot understand how this lady managed to find and damange the cable"

Umm, maybe if you buried the line deeper than you would an electric dog fence this wouldn't be an issue. But don't pretend you don't know how it happened. Have some respect for yourself.