Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Blog Game Will Be So Much Hotter After I Get this for Christmas

So here's the deal, basically you guys are getting the dregs of my ideas on a daily basis. The 10% of stuff I manage to remember when I get home, only watered down because I didn't just write down the first rant or commentary that popped in my head, so instead you end up with some bizarro blog that I've been brainstorming, internally, with myself all day...and I'm my own worst editor. No one takes a funny idea and waters it down into some long winded piece of shit quite like me.

To fix this, I legitimately asked for one of those tiny notebooks that come with a pen inside for Christmas (I specified that the pen cannot be sold separately, has to be a package deal), I lose 90% of all good ideas I have, because I have nothing to write them down on...plus, I'm way funnier when I'm thinking of the stuff off the top of my head, or at least that's what I tell myself, I always give myself a chuckle when its the first time I think of something. 

So, post Christmas, watch out Blog world, I'll be coming on strong (either that or I'll just be a grown man with a journal that contains ravings about bathroom stall use, road rage, and fluorescent lighting in my cube, we'll see).