Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Felt Bad for this Waiter and His Fake $10 Tip At First, But Then...

The Consumerist - For a waiter who depends on tips to earn more than minimum wage, a $10 tip can be a welcome sight. But not in this instance. As the waiter found out in the below image posted on Reddit, not only was that $10 bill not the real deal, it only made the matter worse with its "Some Things Are Better Than Money" religious message on the back.

Gonna be completely honest, I feel no sadness for this waiter whatsoever...Like yea, it's still a dick move to leave a fake tip, if you're not going to leave a tip, just don't leave anything, no need for the fake $10 bill. But I just find it hard to feel bad for someone who in one instance claims they "live off our generosity," and then in the next sentence talks about how they've been saving up for "Battlefield 3."

Get your head out of your ass bro. If you're going to be saving up for anything it should have been Modern Warfare 3! What the hell are you thinking with Battlefield 3, shits for children (unless of course you can afford both, then its cool I guess). 

You just can't go around expecting people to feel bad for you when you're about to blow your life savings on some second rate video game, come on man.  

Plus anyone who's ever balked at paying premium prices for a brand new game knows to sign up for Gamefly...you can start right now for $7.95 a month, keep the game as long as you'd like...that's only 80% of your fake tip...you'd still have $2 fake dollars left, living in your mom's basement, that'll go a long way.