(FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) - Former President Andrew Jackson is hiding in the Hub. They say he'll brighten someone's day to find, so the duo behind plentyoftwenties.com is hiding $20 bills all over the city. Steven Grant, one of the guys behind the Web site explains why in the world he's giving away so much cash. So far, they've given away more than $2,000.
So this is a real thing, these two guys just blowing $2K hiding 20 spots around the city and posting hints online...and getting business partnerships out of it from businesses that want them to hide the money at their restaurants to increase foot traffic.
Are you kidding me? Ideas like this absolutely kill me...here I am busting my ass to the point where I've been sick for two weeks because, frankly, I'm run down, I work 9-10 hour days at my real job, and come home and do 3 hours or so a night and morning for this blog, and I don't have one partnership...I've made like $100 total on google ads, thanks alot, google. Meanwhile these guys, with no discernible plan whatsoever, just a couple of guys with the half baked idea that it would be funny to watch people drive all over Massachusetts looking for $20 bills, are being interviewed on my favorite morning news program and getting partnership offers left and right.