NYMAG - On Sunday, President Obama toured Wayne, New Jersey, to lend his support and sympathy in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene. Here, Obama is shown talking to a Wayne resident, who, hurricane devastation notwithstanding, probably should have at least put on a shirt before having a conversation with the president.
Something tells me this guys attire has nothing to do with the hurricane, this is just the way he greets everyone.
You think Obama unbuttoned the top button or two to try and fit in? I mean the guy caters to everyone elses preferences all the time, why not go straight up white trash like these two? I see the cuffs rolled but I just don't think that's far enough. If these guys were Tea Party House members you'd see Obama in a beater with shades on, sipping on a goose and juice, Michelle right next to him, hair in a poof, short skirt hugging her ass.