Friday, April 1, 2011

This Weeks Lottery Jackpot Winners from Albany Look Surprisingly Like Normal People

Normalest clan of lottery winners these eyes have ever seen.  Without fail your jackpot winners are normally some backwoods hicks, poor as shit, rubbing two pennies together to get by, or hood-rat hoochie mamas just trying to pay for her weave on layaway, or the old couple who ends up giving away all their money to God and their grandchildren, because they don't have that much time left anyway.

Then you go these average looking people.  Which pisses me off. There is no difference between these people and me, and yet here the are, rich as fuck, while I'm blogging my arse off and holding down a full time job for peanuts.

The hood-rats, elderly, and poor I'm fine with, I get it. Sometimes you get rewarded for our trials and tribulations.  But this group of average-Joe's just got the reward of a lifetime for living a mundane life, just like yours truly.  Where's my lottery ticket, my golden goose, my ride on easy street?  What the hell world, throw me a frigen bone here.

The only person possibly more upset about this than me has got to be that one guy that skipped out on the weekly lottery pool this time around.  Has anyone checked his apartment, made sure he's still alive.  That dude should be on 24 hour suicide watch.