Ohhhh, this is why all the Philosophy and English majors are hanging out in Starbucks...they're literally not fit for the real world.
Here's a hint toots, these people are successful, busy, businesess people. They're adults, they're not your whack job professors, or overly nurturing parents who raised an abject failure. They're not going to find your loose leaf paper presentation cute just because you presented it on a Macbook. It's sloppy.
Here's another hint, stop saying "like," you sound like a goddamn valley girl.
And here's one more free lesson, selling jars of air isn't a "big idea." It's a scam. And what the hell is the 500k for? You could bottle up some smog from LA and tell me it's air from Australia. I won't know the difference.
Why don't you put some shoes on, un-decorate your Christmas tree of a face, get a pants-suit and join the real world. I know it goes against everything you've ever believed in, but the mere fact that you're at the conference, begging for capital funding means you've made one fundamental realization for the first time in your life, you need money to do things, "like" live, and "like" breathe, "like" afford a $12 a day mochiatto budget, and "like" if you ever want to "like" travel to Paris to bottle up that air you'll need money for that too. Happy thoughts and good Karma don't buy plane tickets, I'm glad you've finally realized that.
So for your next step why don't you go to Kinkos and put together a half decent resume. That would "like" be awesome.
PS: No one gives a fuck about your theories on air. 4th graders know what air is made up of, and it sure as shit isn't 6% energy, but thank you for the laugh.