Thursday, February 3, 2011

Best of the Blogs

Best of Scumbag Steve -I almost feel bad, for Blake, almost. Then I snapped out of it and thought of: Acts Like A Thug at Bars at night, Cries on his Therapist's Couch in the Morning.

6 Subtle Ways You're Getting Screwed at the Grocery Store - I'm not sure how they missed my favorite, getting cut by an immigrant that pretends not to speak English when you try to explain to them that you were in line first. Or does that not happen outside the Chelsea Market Basket?

Chic Sets Video Game Guinness World Record - Don't get too proud ladies, guys stopped playing this game 2 years ago, it would have been something worth bragging about if she'd done it then.  Not to mention that she's Asian, female, but Asian.  I guess it still counts, but its definitely on technicality, Guinness should have a big Barry Bonds sized asterisk next to that record.

Blind Guy Successfully Drives Car for 1.5 Miles - And thus one-ups everyone on the roads in Massachusetts except me yesterday.  I swear I'm the only one who knows how to drive.  The snow on the side of the road isn't like the bumpers on a kiddey bowling alley people, its not there to bounce you back into the lane.  If your car resembles Fred Flintstones foot powered wagon how about checking out a bus schedule on days it snows?