Friday, June 15, 2012

Parent Promising New Macbook Pro to Gay Son To Act "Not Gay" Is A Goldmine

For those of you who can't read microscopic print:

"I don't want to get a ton of messages from you guys saying that I am spoiling my son and turning him into an entitled monster. There is a back story that you aren't aware of.  My son was committing homosexual acts and got caught in the act. We made a deal that if he chose to be straight, we would buy him more nice things. So don't message me saying that I am a bad parent for spoiling him. It's quite the opposite, I am a good parent and I'm working with him to correct his problem."

All right, so this came out yesterday and was found out to be a joke/hoax, some had a good chuckle, some were presumably offended, some probably assumed Rick Santorum was the one posting this...but I didn't see anyone point out that if you're a brat 10-18 year old kid, this is an absolute GOLD MINE.

I do guess it depends on how gullible and backwards thinking your parents are, first off they have to believe that homosexualness (definitely not a word) is a choice, secondly, you have to convince them that either:

A) you're experimenting with gayball stuff, but can transition back to straight if they spoil you, or...

B) You really are gay but have a sit down with your parents to convince them that for the price of a new smartphone and all the Xbox games you want, you think you can get into girls.

Plus, I think there's a pretty easy way to convince them of your new found lifestyle, without crossing any icky thresholds one way or the other.  If you're straight, maybe you bookmark a few gay porn sites on the family PC, if you're gay, you do the opposite, start slapping up some girl on girl links in your bookmarks.

You get new stuff, your family can run to the local Pastor and tell them about your miracle results, and Apples stock goes up as its found to be a miracle homosexual healer. Win, Win, Win.