I just wanted to clear that little fact up, so before you go blowing up everyone's Twitter and Facebook feeds, just know that no one gives a shit. We're not going to "like" your status update, we're not going to Retweet your snarky traffic tweet, we're not buying into any of it.
It's Thanksgiving Eve, of course there is fucking traffic. There's traffic up the ass. Anyone that was smart left early today or even last night, anyone that didn't is up shit's creek without a paddle. The rest of us flat out don't care. Know what I'll be doing today? Going to work, probably be there until 7 PM or so...Do you think I care that you'll probably hear the "Watch the Throne" song like 4x on Kiss 108 before you even get past Framingham? Shit no. I'd rather be jamming out to Kanye and Jigga than sitting in my fluorescently lit cube.
I don't want to come off overly as a dick here, just suffice to say that you knew there'd be traffic, you knew it'd be horrendous, you chose to travel in it anyway. It's not newsworthy, I will not give you a pity shout out and raise your Klout in the process, I might even unfriend you.