Wednesday, September 21, 2011

NASA Says Don't Be Concerned, Only 1 in 3200 Chance of Falling Space Satellite Hitting You

Fox News - NASA space junk experts have refined the forecast for the anticipated death plunge of a giant satellite, with the U.S. space agency now predicting the 6 1/2-ton climate probe will plummet to Earth around Sept. 23, a day earlier than previously reported. NASA expects at least 26 large pieces of the massive satellite to survive the scorching temperatures of re-entry and reach Earth's surface. Titanium pieces and onboard tanks could be among that debris, but the UARS satellite carries no toxic propellant (NASA used up all the fuel in 2005). The debris is expected to fall over a swath of Earth about 500 miles (804 kilometers) long, NASA officials said. There is a 1-in-3,200 chance of satellite debris hitting a person on the ground, odds that NASA says are extremely remote. Outside experts agree.

1 in 3200? I’m not exactly liking those odds. How am I living on a planet where the odds of winning the lottery are astronomically worse than the odds of being beaned off the top of the head by a smoldering piece of a space satellite? Is this real life? I don’t have enough shit to worry about, global warming, global recession, rent, car bills, Netflix spin offs, gingivitis…Now I’ve got to add falling Satellite debris to the mix? Just walking around like I’m Wile E. Coyote waiting for the anvil to drop. This officially sucks.