Friday, April 29, 2011

Great News: Walmart is Bringing Back Guns! (End Sarcasm)

Definitely owns a Walmart Rewards Card

(NewsCore) - Walmart is bringing back rifles and shotguns to about 500 US stores, mostly in rural areas, to broaden product assortment as part of an attempt to make its outlets one-stop shopping destinations, MarketWatch reported Thursday.

I guess because there aren't enough uneducated people armed with guns in America? That's the though process here? Or because the poor people who shop at Walmart don't have better things to spend their money on like clothes and food, or maybe a book to snap their family cycle of redneckedness?

Walmart should just change their slogan at this point from "Everyday Low Prices" to "Arming America's Backwoods Revolution, One Redneck at a Time." 

Seriously, I was mildly afraid to go to Walmart before, but ultimately didn't mind for the people watching, no chance in hell I go there now.  Not knowing a bunch of middle school drop outs and illegal immigrants can just go pick up their riflery and hand gun needs while purchasing tooth paste and children's clothing.  Recipe for disaster.