Friday, March 4, 2011

The Future As Pictured 100 Years Ago Taking You Into the Weekend.

In 100 years, what will the world look like? Will we be driving on the surface of Mars and every pair of sunglasses include holographic movie screens? These vintage French illustrations from 1910 imagined what the world would look like in the year 2000. Some ideas, like a teacher electrically pumping knowledge into student brains, are still pretty far off in the future. Other predictions however, hit pretty close to home (check out the projector screen video phone below!). One wonders, what will our predictions look like after the next 100 years?

Stumbled across this blog yesterday, basically it's some French artists impressions of what he thought the early 2000's would be like, from his vantage point 100 years ago. 

To sum up, he thought we'd be flying by now. In just about every walk of life.  Check out the link above for all the drawings, but suffice to say, one of them is an old wooden sea ship that's been suited with twin blimps so it can fly along a few feet off the water.  

Check out my man above, just cruising by in his cardboard hang glilder for a glass of wine.  Umm, hey guy it's bad enough you're drinking while flying, but may be keep your eyes on the sky and your hands on the steering wheel?  Doesn't take someone from the future such as myself to tell you that pilot is headed for disaster. 

But this really got me thinking, every decade people dream of a future with personal flying devices, but do we every get any closer? Not really.  Why is that? This is something people have dreamed about for centuries now, yet our best and most clever engineering minds haven't been able to pull it off yet?  Are we even working on this, or just ignoring our dreams in pursuit of more practical endeavors?

Why is this being put on the back burner in favor of green technology and IPads.  Hey Steve Jobs, instead of sticking a couple cameras on the old Ipad and calling it new how about you work on something truly revolutionary? A flying Ipod.  Yea I'm putting this right on Steve.  If anyone simultaneously smart enough and creative enough to get it done it's Jobs.  I've never owned an Apple product in my life but I'll go on record as saying if he manages to create a flying Ipod, I'll be on board.

By the way what is the thought here? We've got nothing short of a dozen or so flying vehicles and for some reason our armies are forced to pedal around on some sort of armored bicycle? How can you consider this artist a visionary after seeing this?  He literally could have went out the day after painting this and invented it. It's a bike with an armored shield, there's nothing technical here. What a fraud.