Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Terrible Day for Bald Men Everywhere: Bald Cure Causes Impotence - Baldness or loss of sexual function? That's the choice some men face when considering taking a pill called finasteride (Propecia) to stop their hair from thinning, according to researchers at Boston University School of Medicine. The drug is also used to treat a benign enlarged prostate condition...They also reported a case of a 24-year-old man who took the drug for male pattern baldness and then developed a total loss of sexual function that remained irreversible even after he stopped taking the drug and tried Viagra.

Well that's some choice:  Bald - Do you want to only  have a shot uggo's and desparate much older woman for the rest of your life? Impotent - Do you not want to have a shot at woman, ever.  Obviously you go with baldness but what the hell? Modern science hasn't advanced enough to create a drug that cures hair loss while not affecting sexual performance?  What is the point of even creating a drug for hair loss? The main reason guys take the shit is to increase their attractiveness, the whole thing is moot if it comes packaged with a convenient case of ED.

How quickly do you think Rogaine slaps this information into their next commercial? They're working on it right now I hope.  Sometimes golden advertising opportunities just slap you accross the face I guess.