Monday, May 21, 2012

The Zombie Fad is Still a Thing?

Boston - The living dead will fill the streets of downtown Boston Saturday, as thousands slather themselves in fake blood and ghoulish makeup for the eighth annual Zombie March through the city...“I think it’s exactly how it sounds — you show up and it’s a zombie invasion,” he said. “It’s people from all walks of life come together for a few hours one day and they have a good time, and that’s a rare thing these days.”

So I guess the Zombie people are still around? That can't be right, can it? Because as far as I knew, Vampires were the new hotness for people who are detached from reality and want to march in parades to prove it. 

 Huh?  Just goes to show how much I'm up on dork-scifi culture. Didn't even realize there was enough room in this realm for Zombies and Vampires to co-exist. 

Credit where credit is due though, that Cranberries re-mix was fire. I'd love to see Bella and Edward come up with something like that, probably would just be some emo mash-up of Vampire weekend. Lame as hell. 

What's really scary, those are his actual scrubs from his job at MGH, part time doctor, part time delusional zombie fan.