I'm going to say, emphatically, yes...But I'll tell ya something else...I kinda dig it.
Sure it looks like what I'd look like if I threw on a tie from back in my high school days, but you know what, he's pulling it off. He doesn't look self-conscioius about it, he looks like a man who's confident in highlighting his chest-to-naval area. Just putting it prominently on display. He's got nothing to hide behind some tie. I respect that.
I also like the idea that he's trying to single handily usher out the era of the skinny tie...I hate the skinny tie. I don't have the requisite BMI to pull it off. I'm not fat, but nothing looks weirder than a dude rocking a skinny tie with a slight case of the love handles...that's probably what happened to Merril's colleague here. Probably came on set with a skinny tie and got mocked relentlessly into taking it off, only explanation as to why he's rocking that super-awk look he's got going on.