And PETA will be contacting these bros in 3, 2, 1...
An awesome and hilarious idea, but the execution left me unfulfilled. I don't know, maybe its more difficult than I assume, but aside from the guy with spear and the guy with the tennis racket this just didn't seem like a successful raid. I think a sort of nunchuck type weapon would be best suited here. The issue they all had seemed to struggle with was balance and I think a nice solid pair of nunchucks would take care of that...just helicoptering fish out of the sky.
Not to name names or pick on anyone specific, but the dude with the barbed bat? No one has ever looked like more of a sissy while wielding a medieval style weapon.
Gladiator Style Asian Carp Fishing Like a Boss
asian carp|carp hunters|gladiators|peoria|water skiing|