Friday, January 13, 2012

An Observation: There is Ample Evidence That Peyton Manning Cannot...Grow A Beard

I'm dead serious, guy doesn't even look like he can grow a 5 o'clock shadow. Aside from that picture right there with the glued on pedo-stache you will not find a single photo on google images of Manning with as much as a rough patch of stubble.

Do I know what this means? Not really, other than the fact that my original theory, that playoff victories are strongly correlated to a quarterbacks scruff, is out the window. Which is actually good news for me as a Patriots fan (Tebow out does Brady in the scruff beard category by a mile, I'm guessing Giselle finds more than a 5 o'clock shadow irritating), but horrible news for me as a blogger, because my whole idea for this mornings blog is now ruined and I'm absolutely scrambling...and so that's how we ended up here...with this steaming pile of blog turd and a photo of what Peyton would look like if he went to Penn State.

PS: there was going to be a hilarious joke about how Drew Brees doesn't need scruff, you know, on account of that mole thing...but now you're not getting that either...

Double PS: the funniest thing when google imaging "pedo-stache" is this. Is there anything Bieber can't pull off?