Here's the situation, you've just bought your over priced coffee, unfortunately you're at one of those places (or my work in this case) where the barrista is far to busy to mix in your sugars and creams herself, you go to the mixing station, and there is just some douche bag, standing there mixing their coffee, and taking FOREVER.
Get the fuck out of the way …its 9 am , I’m freaking exhausted, I haven’t had my coffee yet, I’m tantalizingly close to accomplishing my one main goal for the day, and you’re here mixing in 18 bags of sugar and countless drips of cream into your coffee and blocking everyone else (ME!) from getting gto the god damn sugar. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MOVE!...
Is what I want to scream each and every god forsaken morning at this place. It’s like people are genetically pre-disposed to be complete dickheads around the coffee condiments. Mindless of the 30 or some odd tables in our cafe where they could do their stir, sip, stir in some more, sip, stir in some more sip routine, they have to stand in the one place gumming up the works while I ponder various ways to ditch a body. Drives me absolutely bananas. It’s probably the one thing I hate most about work. Honestly, work isn’t the worst thing about work…the jackasses I encounter on a daily basis in the coffee line are.