Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogologues: I Need a Vocation - The Alt-Tab Makes It's Red Carpet Debut

Contrary to prior rumors started by yours truly, the Alt-Tab's big opening night happened this past weekend (postponed due to that bitch Irene), which meant CW could actually attend and give back to his adoring fans (well, all 3 of them that came with me anyway). 

Now for my completely objective subjective review of the show:  It Was Awesome! The cast was great, the material hilarious and you got a free 16. 0z Bud Heavy at the door with your ticket.  I mean, its Manhattan, you're going to spend $15 dollars on a beer anyway, throwing in a hilarious show is just a bonus.  Highlights of course included the performance of "Washing Your Hands at Work," as well as excerpts from Grace Bello (Splitsider), I Care Deeply, Penelope Trunk,  something called 27b/6, It's Not You It's Your Position, Adventures of a Classic Housewife, and WTFIsUpWithMyLoveLife.
Yes, CW was the least qualified writer of the night.

Be sure to give them all a read when you get the chance, I mean, you're procrastinating anyway, right?

And once again, if you're in NYC and looking for a funny show on the cheap (and a free Tall-Boy), check out the Blogologues, performed at Under St. Marks (94 St. Marks Place). You won't regret it.