Daily Mail - The cop on duty probably thought it would be a nice, quiet day of road patrol. So when a man sporting cut-off shorts and swigging a beer drove past on a lawnmower pulling ten shopping carts of alcohol, his brow no doubt furrowed. 'What the hell,' said the cop as he fired up his siren and gave chase to the man on the mower, who was allegedly under the influence.
So I guess this is fake, sort of? The guy getting arrested is a comedian, playing his alter ego, so he's hamming it up, but in reality he really was rolling down the street with ten shopping carts of booze tethered together with a 100 ft extension chord while driving a tractor, and really was arrested...so classifying this as real or fake is a bit hazy. Yea it was on purpose, but at the same time it was real.
I dunno, bottom line it seems like a shit ton of work for a comedian, I mean how can that be a good living? Go around pulling stunts to purposely get arrested? How bad can your stand up possibly be? Like when do you make that career decision and say "screw it, filming myself getting arrested dozens of times would be funnier than the crap jokes I've been writing." That's gotta be an awfully sad day.