Monday, July 11, 2011

Taiwan Celebrates Funerals A Bit Differently than We Do, With Strippers

IO9 - Should you meet your demise in Taiwan, a funerary option open to you is the Electric Flower Car (EFC), a wheeled, neon-lit platform upon which pulchritudinous women strip down to their skivvies for the benefit of audiences...both living and deceased.

That sound you just heard? The Florida government shitting a collective brick...because something tells me Taiwan is about to start crushing the southern states in the competition for nearly dead retirees and their disposable income and social security payments.  It's a no brainer...If you're like 75+ and just outlived your wife how are you not packing up your things and heading to Taiwan? I'd suspect airlines are going to have to start adding more direct flights to Taiwan, get those old guys over their fast, they don't have much time, they can't be stopping for 2 hour layovers on the west coast.