Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wake Up With: Man With No Arms Trashing Hotel Lobby

He's so limber, yet so strong at the same time! You see that move at 1:05? How the hell did he not only get his leg up there, but then use it to leverage himself on the countertop?  What the hell is this guy doing being a bum? Should be in the circus, or at least making appearances on Leno or something. 

Guy just wants to get his shit, doesn't give a damn about the damage, "Bill Me Mother Fucker."

And how about the balls, not only not backing down from a fight with a 2 armed human, but straight up instigating it.  That concierge dude backed up when he charged him...Hey bro, what the hell is he doing to do? Lean on you? What are you scared of?  Everybody knows you just have to get no armed people stuck on their back and they cant get up, they're like turtles in that regard.