Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So Tired of Saying "Hi" to Every Tom, Dick and, Sally

I'm feeling a bit cranky this morning so bear with me.  

Does anyone else get exhausted by having to say "hi" or "hey" or giving the polite smile and half a wave to everyone they see in their office, at school, walking in the city, etc...I'm sooo sick of it.   

It's gotten to the point where I wait as long as I can between bathroom breaks because I'm tired of passing people I otherwise don't ever talk to and having to say Hi.  I know it seems trivial, but it annoys the shit out of me.  It's just so forced and fake.  Can't we just go about our business as the strangers that we are? Do we really have to pretend to perk up a little bit simply because we see another human being?  

I legit had to say hey to 4 different people that I never talk to yesterday on a walk back from the bathroom. I was so aggravated by the time I got back to my cube that I had to go take a walk to cool down, even though it meant risking bumping into more people I had to half-heartedly greet.  Because God forbid someone smiles or says hi to me and I don't say it back.  Then I'm the weirdo who's unfriendly, walking around snubbing people .  But is it really un-friendly when you've never met the person?

Newsflash, I don't know you, chances are I don't want to get to know you, and even if you did get to know me, I'd probably annoy you.  So just go on, go fax whatever it is that you were walking to and I'll continue on with my time killing stroll around the building.  

It's nothing personal, I just don't see the point.  Especially in a work setting. Unless I work directly with you, or have hung out with you outside of work, just don't expect anything from me.  I'm not being an ass, I'm not snubbing you, I'm just choosing to ignore the fact that you're alive, because quite fankly, you don't factor into my life at all at this point, and that's just fine with me.