Thursday, June 2, 2011

High School Year Book Depicts Cheerleaders Showing Legs is Banned...Umm How is this Different than a Normal Day?

Fox News - School officials at a California high school are pressuring the yearbook editor to reprint a page that describes the cheerleading squad as showing "more leg than Daisy Duke" and includes digitally edited images of the girls' legs, News 10 reports. Members of the cheerleading team at River City High School reportedly were outraged after reading an article titled "Who Wears Short Shorts" in the school's new yearbook -- 400 copies of which were picked up by students on Friday.  The article described the cheerleaders as "dolled up in micromini(sic) uniforms" while "strolling down halls" with "blatant disregard" for the "school dress code," according to the station. It also reportedly showed pictures of the cheerleaders' skirts while they were doing a jump exercise. Now school officials are suspending pickups of the yearbook until its student editor rewrites a replacement page.

Frigen cheerleaders, always looking to have their cake and eat it too (I still don't know how to use that expression properly, so excuse me if it's wrong). And they always get away with it, until now that is.

Talk about your all time backfires.  The cheerleaders were clearly just pretending to be appalled and making a fuss to save face.  Obviously no 16-18 year old girl is going to verbally celebrate the fact that they dress like hussies and teases on a regular basis, all in the name of school spirit, but at the same time they absolutely love the attention they receive. 

Well not this time ladies.  You apparently pushed too hard, over sold your whole act and now your world is in ruins.  And you know who this is really going to hurt?  The 2 or 3 girls who end up doing nothing with their life after this, 4 kids, a decade on the food stamp and beer diet.  They would have been able to show that yearbook as the prized centerpiece of their trailers fire place mantle.  Now? Nothing.  Just shattered dreams of future trailer park queens.