Friday, May 20, 2011

Does Beyonce have Michael Jackson's Disease?

Beyonce? Is that you?

Caught this awkwardly horrible music video of Beyonce the other night, and didn't know what to think.  It legit took me about 3 minutes to figure out that it was indeed Beyonce.  I mean, am I crazy, or does Beyonce have the White? Like straight up MJ disease, except without Michael Jackson's caved in nose and leanings towards pedophelia (I assume).  She's even turning blonde, which I didn't think was part of the whole deal but apparently it is.

It's either that or she has a serious case of white pop star envy, just trying to emulate these other dance pop craze weirdo's that are all the rage these days, Ke$ha, Gaga, Katy Perry, and to some extent Britney.  But that just doesn't seem likely for someone with sooo much artistic integrity, I mean she wrote Single Ladies, no way she'd be jealous of Ke$sha, right?
So clearly Beyonce has the White. MJ disease strikes down another star in their prime.  Jay-Z must be wallowing in depression.