Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cape Cod Politician Brings Fake Gun to City Council Meeting

What is this, amateur hour?  You think Phil Davison would pull this kind of half-assed stunt? You either go with the real thing or you stay at home bro.  You don't go sugar coating the thing, warning everyone it's a fake and telling them not to freak out, that's no way to get a point across.

You want them to freak out, that is what you were supposed to be going for, the fear and mayhem that your government tormentors are causing. Instead you only brought laughter, mockery, and fear in some woman in the back that didn't hear it was fake. 

Are you trying to stand up against evil government oppression or what? You've got to really fight for your rights, one day they're trying to install sewers in your neighborhood so your streets aren't over run with filth and human waste, the next they're putting in street lights and bringing electricity to your home.  Are you going to stand for such fascist government acts or not?