Thursday, April 14, 2011

Awkward Pat Downs Continue, TSA Gropes A 6 Year Old Would Be Terrorist

CNN - Here, a 6-year-old is filmed by her parents as she gets the full TSA pat-down treatment at an airport in New Orleans.

Its been a while since there was a good old, TSA groping scandal, and if CNN has decided it's time to bring back this tried and true page view generator, well then it's time for the 'Tabs as well. 

This week's controversy brought to us by a 6 year old child/potential would be terrorist.  Apparently this has parents up in arms everywhere.  Have they forgotten 6 year olds can be terrorists? Like they don't have children over there in the Middle East all of a sudden?

Wake up people.  This is our country's safety we're talking about.  Like, cute little Mohammed Bin Saddam may look all innocent, reading his Curious George Book.  That is until you find out the kids got a block of C4 under that propeller cap of his. 

And don't stop with the toddlers either. Babies in diapers are a real threat as well.  It may not be a pretty or glamorous job, but someone needs to check those bulging huggies.  Sure you may just end up with a handful of shit,  but I'll feel much safer knowing that awkward smell coming from the baby in front of me is just poo, and not some fertilizer bomb this evil genius baby is about to ignite mid flight.