Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Safe to Say This is Not How These Ladies Wanted to Spend Valentines Day

EMBED-Hot Chicks Are Sick Of Rock Band - Watch more free videos

I don't care how mad you're because you're boyfriends made you watch them play Guitar Hero on Valentines Day, domestic violence is never justified.

Like here are these two guys presumably pouring their hearts out the only way they know how, through the power of the rock ballad, and you return the favor with this? A full extension (great form) shot to the nads and the classic "text book upside the head" maneuver.  That's bull shit ladies.

What makes it even worse is that you know for a fact if these guys tried to play a little fun loving prank on their lady friends they'd be arrested on the spot.  Can't run around dropping book knowledge on chicks and punching box. Shit's illegal and it should go both ways.