Friday, February 18, 2011

China Man Lives for Years with Dagger Stuck in his Face! (terrifying vid inside)

This is the kinda news that keeps me up at night worrying about the inevitable Chinese takeover of the United  States.  I'm not worried about global finance, China's funny money will never truly over take the dollar.  1 billion yen = $100 or something like that. It's just unreasonable to expect people to carry around 1 billion yen in their pockets. Too heavy and no one has pockets that big.

My real fear is the billion+ kung fu warriors who apparently don't bother going to the hospital when a dagger breaks off in their face.  Guy probably drank some herbal tea and called it a night when that happened, and that scares the shit out of me.

I cut my finger a couple years ago washing a glass, boring story short, I'm still afraid of hand washing glasses today.  I panicked and sped to the ER for 3 stitches, demanding to see a doctor immediately. 

These guys already out number us about 3-1, now we're dealing with some kinda super human healers?  I'm going to take this coming long weekend to build a survival shelter, I suggest you all consider doing the same.