Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best of the Blogs

Man's Best Friend - This is what cat people never understand.  Right after the dog did this they probably laughed their asses off after he helped him get up. Just typical clowning around with your best friend.  A cat would have done this and clawed your face up and then walked away.  Probably wouldn't see him again until it was time to get fed.

6 Kids I Tutor Who Will Never Be President - I remember schools using the job of the President as the big carrot & stick back in my day. "Study hard children and do your homework, one day you could become president." Not only is that a lie, these kids don't stand a chance, but who would want it anyway? Tabloids spying on me to see if I take cigarette breaks (its the most stressful job on earth, I don't even smoke but I can guarantee you I would if I was in that office), news outlets just ripping your every move regardless, 40% approval ratings considered doing a good job (meaning 60% of your country hates your guts any given day), plus the obligation to be politically correct 24/7 while you're in office.  Like how bad do you think Obama wants to just come out and call Gaddafi the terrorist that he is? Can't do it. I'll do it for you. You're a terrorist Gaddafi...a little off topic rant there, just click the link.

Meet Dom Mazzetti - Don't know how I haven't heard of him before but he's hysterical. Video Blogs count for this section right? I'm saying they do, check him out (that's him on our sidebar's video of the day today).  If you click just one link today click Dom Mazzetti, he deserves it.