Serious question, what is going on with adults in America right now? Ryan Gosling showing up on Ellen was one thing, seeing that ludicrous "Jumpin Jammerz" commercial was another, but now I'm seeing reports on the fad on Fox 25 morning news?
It was bad enough seeing pajamas on hood rats and preppies alike when I drive into work and see all the kids outside waiting for their buses. You want to look ridiculous while you're in high school go for it, that's the time and place, no one takes you seriously then anyway.
Adults hanging out in their "jumpin jammerz"? That's an issue. Like the second I walk into a friends house to watch a football game and I see a bunch of froot loops sitting on the couch in their footy pajamas I'm snapping a picture with my phone and exiting the premises. Just sending that photo to anyone I can think of because you deserve to be ridiculed at that point. I don't need to see Tom from accounting or James from Mergers and Acquisitions in a full bodied, brightly colored unitard. How am I supposed to work with these guys on Monday after seeing that?
And how did you all get to the party like that? Did you change when you arrived, what about shoes, do they fit over the feeties? I can't think of a lamer scenario than a bunch of adult males all getting to an apartment together and changing into their feety pajamas. But I doubt you drove in that outfit, if you're pulled over in that outfit you're getting dragged down to the station on suspicion of DUI and pedophilia on the spot. And I have to believe "Jumpin Jammerz" aint a great look in a prison cell.
PS: All that said, they do look comfy, I wouldn't mind one for the comfort of my home, minus the hood though, that's weird. Who can sleep with a hood all bunched up under their neck?