Monday, December 6, 2010

Alarm Clock Anxiety

Anyone else have a severe case of alarm clock anxiety?  I literally have to face mine against the wall to avoid seeing the time during the night.  If I wake up to take a piss at 4 am and see the time its all over for me, might as well go put on a pot of coffee and start blogging because I am not falling back asleep.  There's been nights I've decided to hold it and risk wetting the bed over getting up to take a piss just out of pure fear that I'll slip up and see a clock.  Its ridiculous.  

Wasn't always this way, the old days I used to relish it, I'd see the clock at 6 AM and would be psyched about the two more hours of sleep I had left.  But the past few years of dreading each day working in a cube has ruined even sleep for me.  I see that clock and my heart starts pounding, mind racing, doing the math to figure out how long I have until I have to go back to my miserable existence as desk donkey.  Shit sucks.  
So thanks corporate job, you've robbed me of the joy of sleep.  Even the most depressed saps in the world still love sleeping, I can't even have that?  It's just too cruel sometimes.