Friday, November 5, 2010


Didn't think I'd let you go a whole week without a new addition of Alt-Tabs did you?

Man Wins Right to Give Cops Middle Finger - An Oregon man has settled a federal lawsuit over what he says was his First Amendment right to express himself by giving the finger to sheriff's deputies...In his lawsuit, Ekas said that in July 2007, he flipped off a Clackamas County deputy while driving, and the deputy gave him tickets for illegal lane change and improper display of license plates.  Ekas was acquitted on the citations. A month later, he gave the finger to another deputy, who detained him but wrote no tickets.

Finally someone stands up to these corrupt assholes.  Too many of us have been victimized (yours truly included) for flipping off these punks (I was coming back from a concert, some asshole was tail gating me on an otherwise empty highway, I turned on my cars interior light and flipped him off so he could see, he turned on his lights and rode me to the shoulder  and then sped off, needless to say I was furious).  Most of these guys, especially the young ones, are assholes like the ones pictured above, jerk offs from high school who had to find a profession that allowed them to continue to be jerk offs. 

Teachers Warned Not To "Friend" Students - In the hazy realm of cyberspace, one school district is drawing a sharp line: Virtual friendships between teachers and their students are a bad idea. Worried about the potential risks of online interactions, the school board in Norton last week urged teachers not to become friends with their students on Facebook and other social media sites and advised them to avoid friendships with former students as well.

Bad move in an economic recession. This is sure to cut employment for defense attorneys specializing in Teacher-Student affairs in half.  We need to focus on cultivating jobs, not destroying entire industries.  If anything "Friending" should be encouraged.
Facebook Knows When You'll Break Up - Worried about when you might get dumped? Facebook knows.
That's according to a graphic making the rounds online that uses Facebook status updates to chart what time of year people are splitting up...They found two big spikes on the calendar for breakups. The first was after Valentine's Day -- that holiday has a way of defining relationships, for better or worse -- and in the weeks leading up to spring break. Maybe spring fever makes people restless, or maybe college students just don't want to be tied down when they're partying in Cancun.

The chart looks real scientific and all, but Facebook could provide an even more accurate measure.  Just track how often someone's significant other is creeping on members of the opposite sex? Just seems obvious.

Mom In Spain Happy Her 10 Year Old Daughter Gave Birth - MADRID -- A Romanian Gypsy woman whose 10-year-old daughter just gave birth in Spain says she's delighted to have a new granddaughter and doesn't understand why the birth has shocked anyone -- let alone become an international sensation...But in comments published Wednesday, her mother told reporters the baby's father is a 13-year-old boy who is still in Romania and is no longer going out with her daughter.
What is everyone so upset about? They're Gypsies.  I just thought it was commonly accepted that gypsies were allowed to live by their own set of rules, sort of like the lost amazonian tribes in Brazil.  Love the maturity shown by the 13 year old though, ran off as soon as the girl was knocked up.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing these two on a paternity show on Maury real soon.

That's all for this week.  I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day off.  My mind feels lazy right now and the blogs are going to start suffering as a result.  As usual feel free to tell a friend or two this weekend.