Friday, August 24, 2012

Town In Norway Set to Open Mystery Box from 1912

Fox News - Residents of a town in central Norway are eager to learn what's inside a mysterious package sealed since 1912. The nearly seven-pound package was left behind by Sel's former mayor Johan Nygaard with the disclaimer that the parcel "be opened in 2012," the Local reports. The town plans to open the sealed and bound package on Friday. It has survived two world wars and reportedly was almost thrown out twice during clear-out operations through the decades. Mayor Nygaard kept the package himself until the 1920s, when he reportedly transferred it to council authorities for safe-keeping. It is now held at the Gudbrandsdal Museum. "It's going to be incredibly exciting," museum worker Kjell Voldheim told newspaper VG. "We have fantasized a lot about what it might contain."

I'll tell you this much, Brad Pitt's was probably a lot more exciting that what they're going to find in this old 1912 box.

You wanna know what's in the box, Kjell? A bunch of old junk, that's what. It's not like they had cool shit back in 1912. You're going to find some old yellow news paper clippings, couple photos, a velveteen rabbit stuffed with hay, shit like that. It's not like you're going to open it up and find an Xbox in there. You know what the big new thing was back in 1912? Light bulbs. You'll probably find some primative looking light bulb. Unless there's some valuable old piece of junk in there that you can turn around for a profit on the Antiques Road Show, you're probably all going to be disappointed.

It's all going to be stuff that could have just as easily been preserved in a glass case in Town Hall for all to see, probably would have helped the stuff age better. I can't imagine 100 years in a card board box taped shut is good for the aging process for anything. Plus little old Grandma's of Norway wouldn't have gone to their graves wondering what the hell was in the box.

Hey Brad - It's your wife's head.