I don't even know what to like more here, that a 19 year old kid got his first hit while some asshole (literally) was mooning the pitcher, or the fact that he went for the aerodynamically sound helmet flip to help him leg out the double, or that beautiful mane of flowing hair he's got under their mo-hawk style...a flo-hawk, if you will...I loved it all. Safe to say I can't wait for this kids first jack, that bat flip is going to be one for the ages.
I loved it so much, that while patiently waiting for Sportscenter to air the kid's highlight yesterday, I realized my bowels weren't going to make it...what did I do? I positioned a full length mirror at just the correct angle for me to be able to see the tv, turned up the volume, and caught the whole thing from the shitter (and frankly, that was a revolutionary move that I see plenty more of in my future). Yes I could have just re-watched it on the internet again, but something that majestic had to be seen on the big screen.
I Need more of this kid. Looks like I'll be watching a lot of TBS this year, they still run every Braves game on loop, right? Braves-Nats play 19 or so times this year, I hope my DVR can hold all of that.
Bonus Material: H/T to @mazz33 for this one:
"so much eye black that you're telling glare you won't stand for it." - @BattingStanceG