Fox - Jennifer Love Hewitt got a breast reduction in ad ad for her new show “The Client List” running in Entertainment Weekly. And she is not happy. Identical ads for the ‘Party of Five’ star’s new show ran in The Hollywood Reporter and Entertainment Weekly. With one big difference. The ad in EW had been digitally altered. In the THR ad, and all of the other ads using the image, Love Hewitt is significantly larger up top. “Somebody sent me a copy of the photograph, and I was like, ‘Um, what happened?” she said on the radio on Friday. “I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but apparently somebody wanted me to have a boob reduction.”
In the history of bad advertising decisions, this will rank right up there with the best of them. Whoever altered this image failed to grasp two undeniable facts:
1. JLH's fan base is men. Woman, for the most part, can't stand her, for exactly the same reason that men find her appealing...Her "assets" are the sole reason that god awful show, The Ghost Whiperer, lasted 5 seasons on CBS...5 SEASONS! And it was buried on a Friday night. But middle aged lonely men, and coming of age 12 year old boys all tuned in for two reasons. For this new show to survive its going to have to pull the male lonely and desprate 29-42 audience, and the young and hormone riddled 12-14 year old male segment. Scaling back JLH's talent isn't going to help.