Friday, February 17, 2012

Is this My Blog's Target Audience?

Honestly, I check the analytics daily, I'm constantly puzzled about who my target audience is. That there is a snapshot of keywords searches on google and bing in the last few hours that have directly resulted in viewers landing on my page...quite the mixed bag.

On the one hand, we have obvious name recognition, which is good to see, it only took about a year and a half but I think we're now number two when someone searches alt tab on google. Plus I obviously encourage anyone searching for "big nose," and "funny fat kid" to check us out on a regular basis. That's my bread and butter.

Then you've got a few odd terms that are ultimately understandable. Betting cafe for example was from when the Maestro was going to keep a running blog of his ups and downs in the sports betting world. I'm pretty sure we featured Jessica Biel as Cat Woman at one point or another, and if we haven't we soon will, as I'm googling her now. Even shotgun 12 gauge makes a bit of sense as I've had a gun blog or two in the past.

But then there's the just flat out weird stuff. Fran Drescher Nipples? What the fuck? Pushing past the fact that there is some creep-o out there sitting commando style in his computer chair one handedly google searching for images of Fran Drescher's nipples, how the hell did he end up here? We've done one Nanny related posted, ever. Maybe I've mentioned her annoying voice in passing at some other point, but that's it. Now we're one of the world's leading search results for Nanny Fine porn? This is all going horribly wrong. 

And to the guy searching hot women in nothing...nice, way to be imaginative. That could be the least original, yet most to the point search in the history of the internet.