NY Post - Somebody who’s working for the city should learn how to S-P-E-L-L. A slew of officials have failed to report a humiliating spelling error — “SHCOOL X-NG” — plastered on Stanton Street outside a Lower East Side high school for months.
Admit it, it took you a few glances, right? I mean, I'd like to think I'm not the only one that didn't notice the mistake at first glance, took me three glances to notice something was off, and even then I noticed the "X-NG" portion before I saw the misspelling of school. So please tell me I'm not the only one, I know I misspell a word or two once in a while, and my grammar is suspect at best, but that's really because I write these things between 8 and 9 AM each morning and don't bother proof reading.
And honestly, I think I'd leave it. Make it a sort of test for any new teachers. Like if you're interviewing a potential new hire and they don't mention that they noticed something wrong with the school x-ing sign out front then you just don't hire them. Sorry, I'd like to think the educators of our country's youth have a keen editorial eye for road markings and street signs. I know it's kind of a high standard, but its our children, they really are our future.
And by the way, I have far less of a problem with the misspelling of "school" than I do of "x-ing." School is a weird looking word anyway, and frankly, it sounds Dutch. I don't really blame anyone for misspelling it. Actually, a quick Google image search confirms its a pretty common mistake.