Yep, its our 1st Alt-Tabiversary, and I'm certain no one is more shocked than me. When I bought the domain name a year a go I went with the 5 year package, instantly I had the buyers remorse. 5 years CW? 5 years! You've never stuck with a hobby for more than 4 or 5 months. Yet here I am, still blogging away, 1/5th of the way through my purchase.
Anyone looking for gift suggestions, please see our Shoppe on Cafe Press and buy a shirt, coffee mug, or bumper sticker. I know they're over priced, but seriously, its our birthday would someone please buy something? Please? I mean, I was in the grocery store the other day and saw a special on Chef Boyardee, 10 Cans for 10 Bucks...I only bought 9, didn't think I could swing the extra can. I need to sell a shirt, come on guys.
A few stats from the past 365 days:
-1,248 Posts - 1 From that Bum PennyPacker, gift ideas that don't include buying over priced shirts could include taunting Penny on twitter @HE_Pennypacker1. I know what you're thinking...there's more than one HE_Pennypacker on twitter? Yea, apparently there is. I know, I'm kinda shocked too.
-178,041 Page Views - The majority of which are from the US, followed by Canada and the UK
-Countless sketchy looking Russian websites linking back to us - I still can't figure out what the hell these Ruskies' end game is, but they should know I'm watching them right back.
-1 Writing Credit in A New York Show - By far the highlight of my year.
- $87.03 - Amount earned from advertising...this number haunts me at night, you have no idea how ridiculous it is to be excited about having a good day when your site makes $'s not something I'm proud of. I really need to figure out how to monetize this thing.
- 0 - T-shirts, coffee cups, or bumper stickers sold at the Alt Tab Shoppe- Seriously, buy something, it's the sites birthday. Wear it ironically, I don't care, just buy something.
-1 - Extremely thankful and amazed blogger that people continue to visit this site on a fairly regular basis...It honestly amazes me, I'm flattered, and a bit astounded, people have a lot more free time on their hands than I could have ever imagined if they've managed to work my site into their daily routine.
So thanks everyone, and here's to another year.