Thursday, August 18, 2011

Todays Hot Batch of Links

Live Leak- This video is exactly what happens when your government creates incentives for parents to birth male children only...over caffeinated gay pop stars ...starting to think we don't need to worry too much about the Chinese, they should breed themselves out of existence within a generation.

Is a lack of sleep making you fat?- No, but it is a decent excuse to give the gf the next time I feel like sleeping in..."sorry hun, but I gotta sleep off those last few Budlight Limes before they go straight to my hips" Pure gold.

Abercrombie Paying Jersey Shore's "Situation" To Stop Wearing Clothes - Damn, that shit is racist. Guineas are people too...did we not all collectively freak out in the 90's when Tommy Hilfiger came out and said he didn't want black people wearing his clothes? Where's the outrage here?  Are we as a society ok with treating guidos and gorilla juice heads as second class citizens?

NCAA Investigating Allegations of Pay for Play, Hookers, and Gifts at University of Miami - Should read "NCAA investigating business as usual at top  athletic university"...seriously guys, get your heads out of your's a bunch of 18-20 year old kids, probably came up from shit...if someone waves a wad of bills in front of you and two hookers named Trixie and Pixie you bet your ass they're having a threeway on top of that money...if Jesus Shuttlesworth could be bought then so can anyone else.

Founder of PayPal Donating Money to Build Independent Nation in the Middle of International Waters - SIGN ME UP! This guy might be my hero...first he comes out and says he'll pay kids not to go to college and waste their time and money, now he's just starting whole new civilization from scratch? Genius...Pennypacker and I had a pretty spirited debate about what it would be like if we just hit the reset button on society and the banking system...myself being hugely in favor, looks like we might get to see this play out Penny.

Warren Buffet: "Stop Coddling the Rich" - Warren, its put up or shut up time...We've heard this from the super rich, including yourself, time and time again...and you know what, I don't think you really mean it.  I mean, if you want to go head and help out this debt situation, why not just cut a check? Stop pussy-footing around and donate a million or so...self voluntary taxation.  Otherwise you're just another blowhard who's full of shit.

That's all for today, back tomorrow morning with some actual exciting news for the blog...